Flippin’ Pratas Branding

Inspired by the colours found on traditional Indian attire, spices and jewellery, the brief was to create a modern and youthful look that would attract young adults. As part of our research, we also went to Singapore’s Little India to take in the sights, talk to the owner of a prata store and speak to some existing customers.


Flippin’ Pratas is an Indian eatery in Singapore. Its mission is to serve Indian food with vegan-friendly options at affordable prices. Making pratas require mad skills and may take 3 months of practice to do the perfect flip. As the brand name suggest, Flippin’ Prata’s signature dish is prata.

Flippin’ Awesome Pratas Daily!

In this series of posters below, we wanted to shout out the message of what Flippin’ Pratas was all about and attract people to the store. Hence, big typography and loud colours were applied with simple secondary illustrations.

Let’s turn your dream restaurant into reality.

What are you waiting for? We’re ready to create something wonderful with you!


Share Art Initiative / Art Programme


Chevron Marketing / Service