Tinysnips Branding

Tinysnips is an Art studio based in Singapore that specialises in fully customisable and skilfully handcrafted miniatures and clay creations. The keywords for this brief was: Fun, handmade and cute.

A word from Tinysnips:

To guarantee a unique piece for you, our creations are not mass produced but completely handmade from scratch! This means we oversee the entire process - All the way from idea generation, design, to creation.

For the website, we designed a single page that gave an overview on what Tinysnips is capable of and featured the clients they have worked with in the past.

As Tinysnips is a craft-centric Art Studio that creates their miniatures completely from scratch, we decided on a handwritten and scrapbooking style to complete the look.

In these samples above, you will notice the wordmark and logo being applied.


Chevron Marketing / Service